- 2 -
to wipe the parts.
Do not
use compressed air to clean fiberglass parts. Measures can be taken to
reduce exposure after a person has come in contact with fiberglass. Eyes should be flushed with
water and any area of exposed skin should be washed with soap and warm water to remove fibers.
Clothing worn while working with fiberglass should be removed and washed separately from other
clothing. The washing machine should be rinsed thoroughly after the exposed clothing has been
washed. Check with your local or state safety and/or environmental agencies for more detailed
Tools Required
Straight Slot Screwdriver, Phillips Head Screwdriver, 1/4” Nut Driver or socket set,
11/32” Nut Driver or socket set, 3/8” Nut Driver or socket set, Tape measure , Pencil.
Additional Material Needed But Not Supplied
Jet Lube SS-30 Aniti-Oxidant Corrosion Inhibiting Lubricant
Ground Rod installed near base of the antenna
Radial Wires
Radial Plate
SecureMount Double SO-39 Connector for the Radial Plate
Guying Kit for Vertical Antennas - Some vertical antenna manufacturers indicate their antennas do
not need guying. During times of high winds or ice loading, some of these vertical antennas may
sustain damage or fail altogether. With the small amount of effort needed to install a four point
guying system, the risk hardly seems worth taking. A four-point guying scheme provides the best
mechanical advantage to reduce wind stress, regardless of direction. Information on guying the
Butternut HF2V is included in this manual.
Site Selection
Ideally, select a mounting location clear from power lines, structures and other antennas by a
minimum of 35 feet.
Consider overhead power lines, utility cables and wires
. The vertical should
be mounted away from local noise sources or other metallic objects which can re-radiate noise and
affect the tuning, radiation pattern and SWR. Determine the direction you want the antenna to tilt
down and make sure there is adequate clearance (at least 35 feet). There should also be a clear
diameter of 65 to 130 feet from the antenna for the guying and radial systems that will extend away
from the antenna. As with all Amateur Radio antennas there maybe compromises and the ideal site
may not be available.
Radial System
The use of a radial system is a key requirement for any high performance quarter wave vertical
antenna system.
With any vertical antenna system, the radials are the second half of the
antenna. The radials contribute to the radiation efficiency of the entire vertical antenna
The exact number of radials required for low SWR and reasonably efficient operation on 80 and 40