Input Gain Control
There is an Input Gain Control located on the end panel between
the RCA input jacks and the Speaker output terminals. This is
NOT a volume control! This control is designed to match the
output signal of the source unit to the amplifier inputs.
By turning the control clockwise (to the right), the inputs of the
amplifier become more sensitive and will allow a weak signal as
low as 450 mV to drive the amplifier to full power. It is advisable,
however to use the LOWEST possible setting of the input gain
control by driving the amplifier with the HIGHEST level from the
FM Radio/CD/Tape source unit. This will reduce the potential for
the amplifier to reproduce
from brake light and accessory
switches and
alternator whine
or ignition
In order to achieve the best Signal to Noise ratio possible, you
must carefully experiment by making a few practical listening tests
to adjust the 'headroom' of your system correctly. The basic rule
to remember is that best S/N ratio is achieved by using the
highest undistorted level from the source unit and the lowest
undistorted input level setting on the amplifier.
1. Set the Input Gain Control to just above the lowest setting.
2. Turn the master volume or output volume of the source unit or
pre-amp to almost full-undistorted volume.
3. With music playing, slowly increase the input Gain Control
until you hear distortion. Turn down the Gain Control until the
distortion stops.
This will set the approximate proper 'headroom' level to operate
the source unit/preamp with your Tube Driver BLUE. Further
minor adjustments may be made at any time if desired.