Place the gun with mounted scope into a suitable support. Select the proper arbor and
make sure the expandable tips are completely closed by turning the arbor’s locking
nut (“A”
Fig. 1,2
) counter-clockwise until the tips contract. Insert the small end of
the arbor into the Boresighter mount with the flat area down, so that the end of the
clamp screw (“B”
Fig. 1
) will bear against the flat surface. Turn the screw clockwise
until it is fingertight. Now, with the Boresighter in an upright position, insert the arbor
into the barrel and push it forward carefully until the muzzle rests against the tapered
section of the arbor (
Fig. 2
). With the arbor locking nut loosened, and while looking
through the scope, swing the Boresighter to align vertical grid lines with the scope
reticle. Turn the arbor locking nut clockwise until the arbor holds firmly to the bore;
the expandable tips prevent the Boresighter from turning of its own weight.
NOTE: To remove the arbor from the barrel, simply loosen the arbor locking nut
(Fig. 1), push inward to retract the tips, and pull the unit from the barrel.
Pro Boresighter Kit 743333-1LIM.indd 3
4/28/2008 2:56:54 PM