Manure Spreader
2.3 Types of Decals on the Machine
While you become familiar with your Bush Hog product, notice
that there are numerous decals located on the machine. There
are different types of decals for safety, information, and product
identification. The following section explains what these decals
are for and how to read them.
Definitions for each safety sign and safety notice decal are
described in the
Safety Sign Decals
are pictorial with a yellow background and
generally two panels. They can be either vertical or horizontal.
Safety Notice Decals
are pictorial with a blue background
and generally rectangular with single or multiple symbols.
The following example decal informs operators what personal
protective equipment (PPE) is required for safe operation.
Informative Decals
are generally pictorial with a white
background and the number of panels varies. The following
example decal provides additional information for the operator or
explains the operation of a control.
Product Decals
provide the machine model and serial number,
and other important information.
Maintenance Decals
have a green background and the number
of panels varies. The following example decal shows the type
of maintenance that is required (lubrication) and the frequency
interval (100 hours).