Operating Instructions
Operating Instructions | 1473-1-8378
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Pos: 20 /#Neustruktur#/Online-Dokumentation (+KNX)/Überschriften (--> Für alle Dokumente <--)/1. Ebene/U - Z/Wartung @ 21\mod_1328188606500_15.docx @ 138248 @ 3311 @ 1
6 Maintenance
Pos: 21 /#Neustruktur#/Online-Dokumentation (+KNX)/Wartung/Sicherheitstechnik/Busch-Rauchalarm/Wartung - 6831-6832-84 @ 36\mod_1369207848945_15.docx @ 296269 @ 11 @ 1
At a later point in time the detectors should be tested at least once every week.
When the date on the label of the device has expired, the devices must be replaced.
The test button must be pressed when replacing the battery, to ensure that the alarm functions correctly.
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