Operating Instructions
Operating Instructions | 1473-1-7151
— 16 —
Pos: 67 /#Neustruktur#/Online-Dokumentation (+KNX)/Überschriften (--> Für alle Dokumente <--)/1. Ebene/P - R/Reinigung @ 21\mod_1328188565860_15.docx @ 138239 @ 11111111111111111111122222212211211121111222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222112433112 @ 1
8 Cleaning
Pos: 68 /#Neustruktur#/Online-Dokumentation (+KNX)/Reinigung/Audio/Video/Reinigung - 8202 / 8205 / 8214 @ 30\mod_1348729701711_15.docx @ 239593 @ 42322221233322221333331111111133333333333333333333122222212112211122122222 @ 1
Dirty units can be cleaned with a dry cloth. If this is not sufficient, a cloth slightly moistened with a soap solution
can be used. Caustic cleaning agents or solvents must not be used.
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