Ring tones
Many mobile telephones also transfer their own ring tone to the HFCK
during an incoming call. There are exceptions, however. In such in-
stances you can specify a signal tone here which you want to be played
The menu language setting you can choose here.
In the DSP sub-item, it is possible to activate and deactivate the back-
ground noise and echo filtering for the HFCK and the mobile telephone.
You are also able to choose one from a possible five different ring
tones. You can also specify here how loud the ring tone should be. In
the voice volume menu you are able to set the sound level of your con-
versation partner.
You can set the background illumination of the display in the first sub-
menu. Specially adjusted day / night settings allow for better readabili-
ty in the next menu item depending on the light conditions. You can
actuate the switching either manually or automatically – the light sen-
sor at the top of the monitor is then activated.
If you want to adapt the display colours to the colours within your ve-
hicle better, then you can make a change under the colour theme cate-
gory. You should only initiate a fresh calibration of the display subse-
quently, however, if you experience big problems with the ease with
which the symbols may be selected. Plus symbols then appear at diffe-
rent places on the touch screen which you must then touch appropria-
If you activate this menu item you can equip the HFCK with new ope-
rating system software via Bluetooth. The latest information about this
is available on our homepage.