Forward landline (‘L’ models only)
This feature allows you to automatically for-
ward incoming calls received on the landline
connection to a specified remote number,
via the mobile connection. This ability pro-
vides great cost savings when you need to
regularly transfer incoming calls from
your fixed phone to your mobile
by avoiding service provider
forwarding charges. This
feature is particularly cost
effective when your mobile
phone and the Burnside unit
are both fitted with paired SIMs (which incur no charges for calls
made between them).
You can choose to allow the locally connected phone to ring (and in-
tercept the call) before or during the forwarding process or carry out
forwarding without ringing the local phone. You can also determine
other settings to suit your requirements.
When using this feature, you are recommended to always have
a voicemail facility on the mobile phone (to which calls are being
forwarded) as a fall back option, in case the network is unable to
deliver calls.
A text alert option is available to warn you if a call failed to be for-
warded to the mobile phone or its voicemail facility - see
for details.
Certain aspects of this feature can be controlled remotely using
specially formatted text messages - see
Controlling this feature using
for details.
Controlling this feature using phone button presses
The unit will respond according to how the options have been set:
Show status
- dial
- Indicates the current setting.
Enter number to forward to
- dial
- Allows you to declare
the phone number to which calls should be forwarded.
Note: You need to set the number to which calls will be forwarded
before choosing the forwarding mode. Remember to include the
dialling code at all times.
Set to ring and forward
- dial
- The connected phone
will ring and the call forwarding process will begin to the re-
mote phone number set by (
). If a delay has been set by
) then the specified number of rings must elapse be-
fore the call is actually forwarded. In the meantime, if the call is
answered by the locally connected phone, then the forwarding
process will end.
Set to only forward
- dial
- All calls are forwarded without
the locally connected phone ringing.
Set to announce, ring & fwd.
- dial
- The connected
phone will ring and the call forwarding process will begin to the
remote phone number set by (
). Meanwhile a pre-recorded
prompt “Please wait for your call to be connected” will be played
repeatedly to the caller. If a delay has been set by (
then the specified number of rings must elapse before the call is
actually forwarded. In the meantime, if the call is answered by the
locally connected phone, then the forwarding process will end.
Set to announce & forward
- dial
- The incoming call
will be forwarded to the remote phone number set by (
Meanwhile a pre-recorded prompt “Please wait for your call to
be connected” will be played repeatedly to the caller. The locally
connected phone will not ring.