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Air Lever Assembly
Tilt the stove back on the rear legs and support it so you can access the underneath of the stove
Put the M10 washer over the threaded stud, push the air lever through the slot in the front of the
stove, locate the end of the lever over the air plate bar and threaded stud, ensuring that the M10
washer sits over the unthreaded shoulder of the stud. Assemble the remaining washers and nut
as per diagram (B) using the 13mm spanner. Please ensure the lever moves from left to right with
just a little resistance to ensure it stays in place.
Levers and Handles
Please ensure that all levers and handles move correctly prior to positioning the stove in the
opening or on the hearth. Adjustment may prove difficult once the stove is positioned.
Should the lever become loose over time adjustment can be made by tightening the nyloc nut at
the rear or the one under the stove (as above). Do not apply excessive force to the M8 nyloc
M10 Washer
above lever arm