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The stove must stand on a non-combustible surface. Installation standards dictate that
hearths must be at least 12mm thick, but installers must take into account the weight of
the stove on such thin material.
The hearth should extend a minimum of 225mm in front of the stove. When a stove is
freestanding the hearth should always extend a minimum of 150mm either side of the
Each stove is supplied with heat shields to reduce the temperature of the hearth; these
should always be placed beneath the stove as shown.
Strength and heat resistance of the hearth.
Stoves are very heavy and most material used for hearths crack very easily. It is
impossible for Burley to inspect each hearth or comment on every installation, so the
onus is on the installer to ensure the construction of the hearth is suitable for the
As guidance however:
Do not use boxed and lipped hearths
Avoid marble, conglomerate or micro marble hearths
Rather than using one large piece of material, use sectional hearths or slabs which
will move independently and allow for expansion due to heat. Should a slab crack it
is easy and cheap to replace.
Bed hearths down on a level base, not directly on a hard surface which could be
If necessary stand the stove on a steel or stone bed to ensure the weight is
Do not subject the hearth to sudden impacts by dropping the stove.
Stove tables
Burley manufacture dedicated steel tables which the Panorama stoves may sit on; a non-
combustible surface must still extend 225mm in front of the stove and 150mm to the