Ref. “Slimfold O&M Manual 11-02-09” Page 5/7
2.3 Operation
Observing the handling instructions (see 2.1 Handling) remove the table from the trolley
and carefully stand the table upright on-edge against a wall or have an assistant hold the
table in this position. It will be most convenient if the table is positioned so that the leg
frames are one above the other.
TT/F Table Trolley Loading / Unloading
TTE/M Table Trolley Loading / Unloading
Grasp the lower leg frame near its foot end and pull to swing the leg out then push firmly
on each end of the locking channel to secure the leg in this position..
DO NOT push on the centre of the
locking channel, only the ends.
Turn the green locking tab through 90
to lock the leg frame ready for use.
The locking tab MUST be engaged
before the table is put into use.
Repeat 2.3.2 - 2.3.4 for the opposite leg frame.
Carefully set the table down, ensuring that all four feet are stable on the ground.