6.1 First Time Filling Of Reservoir Tank
Obtain separate tank for mixing. (For example 25 lt. plastic tank)
Fill tank with water. (For example 20 lt) Later, add, %5 CIMSTAR 506 cutting fluid ( or its compatible)
(1 lt for 20 lt water)
While adding ,cutting fluid to water slowly, mix well
Put this mixed fluid to reservoir tank.
6.2 Adding cutting fluid after some period of usage
In case of requirement of adding cutting fluid after first time filing, followings to be considered.
Fill plastic tank with water. (For example 20 lt.) Later, add %3 CIMSTAR 506 Cutting fluid ( For 20 lt
water 0.6 lt cutting fluid)
While adding ,cutting fluid to water slowly , mix well
Put this mixed fluid to reservoir tank .After each month of usage we recommend you to clean reservoir
tank and add new cutting fluid as first time filling.
6.3 Recommendations and Conditions to Be Avoided
May be possible, should be used as a good-quality water
Mixture preparation, cutting fluid, the mixture is poured into the water should not be.
The machine store, only the addition of water, or just cutting fluid should not be done any time.
Continuous addition of the mixture should be made.
Machine store the mixture, using a refractometer measurement of the ratio coefficient of 1.4 according to
the fluid should be considered canceled. Refractometer with the rate control, the machine should be
made at the level of the liquid tank is full.
7.1 Sample Fixing
Two wises positioned at our works for general purpose of cutting. When required for larger samples, it can
be necessary to reposition the wises nearer to the front of the machine. For this purpose, loosen 4 bolts of
fixing plate of holding fixture. Locate the sample on fixed jaw and push forward clamping jaw against
sample. Use a suitable pressure and push clamping lever tightly. Do not over clamp
7.2 Cutting Operation
Be sure sample is clamped and jaws tighten well.
Close the cover. (The cutter will not operate unless the cover is completely closed )
Start cutting and pump motors by pressing START button. (Do not start motors when cutting lever is in
mid position and be sure cutting wheel is not touching the sample)
Check the flow of coolant and adjust the flow of water jets if required
Slowly feed the cutter wheel on sample by pulling cutting lever.
To reach constant cutting range maintain pressure as required. (Excessive force may cause motor
overload and damage cutter wheel.)
When cutting procedure is completely finished, bring the cutting lever to its starting position.
Cutter wheel rotates for several seconds after pushing STOP button or opening cover. In case of opening
cover, please be sure cutter Wheel.