Putting on the Galaxy Helmet
• Open visor.
• Loosen chin strap (Release buckle by pulling leather tab.)
• Put on protective helmet. Grasp open chin strap at lower rim of helmet on both sides
and slightly pull apart.
• The helmet should fit snugly but without pressing on the skull.
• Tighten chin strap.
After Use
• Raise helmet visor.
• Loosen chin strap.
• Take off helmet
• Inspect helmet for damage - Such as:
• Helmet shell for cracks or deformation
• Visor for cracks and clouding
• Chin strap for damage, chin strap clasps for function
• Neck guard for damage
Cleaning, Disinfecting, Drying
Moisten cloth with lukewarm soapy solution and wipe helmet and visor inside and
outside. Mild household cleaners may be used for stubborn stains on the outer
surface of the helmet shell. Rinse cloth in clear water and remove cleaning solvent
residue from helmet, then dry with soft cloth.
Wipe helmet and shield with anti-static cloth and store in a cool, dry place where the
helmet will be protected.
Helmet should be packaged in its original package to ensure that it is protected from
damage during transit.
Operating Instructions