BRS 1 Micron Universal Carbon Block
This filter has been specifically designed to treat well water and both of the most popular water treatments including chlorine and
- The carbon block set has a useful life of up to 35,000 gallons of water treated with chlorine. Please note this is the total volume
of water that has passed through the filter which includes waste and product water. It is likely the filter set is good for approximately 8,000
gallons of product water.
Well water or other untreated sources
– While it is typically not important to treat for disinfectants, the carbon block is an important component
of the filtration because it treats for pesticides, herbicides, petroleum by-products, volatile organic compounds (VOC) and other pollutants in ground
water. We suggest changing the carbon block every six months in this case.
Regardless of the amount of water filtered or amount of chlorine breakthrough, carbon blocks should be changed at minimum once every 12
months to prevent biological fouling or bacterial growth.
Filter life depends on many different factors including total water production and the quality of the source water. A general rule of thumb is to replace
sediment filters and carbon blocks every six months to insure proper system performance and ease of use. However, replacement requirements vary
based on the source water.
Maintain your RO system.
Replacement Filter Kit: 5 Stage Drinking (SKU 208831)
The RO unit must be run for one hour before using product water. Ensure that all fittings and hoses are correctly hooked up.
This process should
be repeated when carbon blocks or membranes are replaced.
1. Turn on the household water supply.
2. Allow the system to run for one hour to flush fine particles from the carbon block(s) and preservatives from the RO membrane.
(This is a good
time to check all fittings and connections for leaks).
3. Discard any water produced during the initial period (first hour).
4. Your system is now ready for use.
Prime your RO system.
Purtrex 5 Micron Depth Sediment Filter
Sediment filters should be changed when they become clogged with dirt and sediment.
The best way to identify when a sediment filter has been exhausted is by monitoring the water pressure feeding the membrane. As the filter gets
clogged it will reduce the pressure feeding the membrane and thus reduce system performance.
For systems that do not include a pressure gauge, we recommend monitoring the sediment filter visually and changing as it becomes visually dirty
or every six months.
BRS 5 Micron Chlorine & VOC Carbon Block
This is a five micron filter to treat for chlorine and volatile organic compounds (VOC). The filter is also designed to have a very low pressure
drop to increase system performance.
Omnipure Inline Carbon Block
Inline carbon blocks are used as a post RO taste filter for the drinking water system.
RO Membrane
The RO membrane is located in the white cylinder on top of your filter/RO system and only needs to be
replaced approximately every three years or when the TDS emitted from the membrane begins to rise.