4.3 Special condition moist sample gas
Applications where the sample gas is still moist may result in condensate forming in line and the pump body. In these events
the pump head must be suspended (pump body facing down).
If the pump was not ordered this way, it can easily be converted on site.
Install the line between the gas output and condensate drain with a grade so the condensate can drain and does not collect in-
side the pump or the lines.
4.3.1 Alteration of hanging pump bodies
Damage to the device
Especially with pump head pointing down, make sure that no dust or small parts can in-
trude the pump through the ventilations slot. Nevertheless, the slot must not be covered
directly. If this is not possible, the pump must not be mounted with pump head pointing
Please refer to assembly drawing 42/025-Z02-01-2 in the appendix for the conversion.
– Remove the three cross-tip screws (9) and remove the console cover (8) from the pump console (5). This exposes the crank
gear (10) and the Motor flange or, depending on pump model, the intermediate flange.
– The Pump console attaches to the flange with four hexagon screws (7) and lock washers (6). Completely unscrew these, hold-
ing the pump console, and rotate it 180° on the centring of the flange.
– Reinstall all parts in the reverse order. Please note the torque of the hexagon screws (7) is 3 Nm.
Installing the pump head offset by 45° or 90° is prohibited!
Bühler Technologies GmbH
BE420003 ◦ 08/2021