Smoke Evacuation Systems – Rev G
pneumatic tubing in the connector port, the
pneumatic footswitch becomes active. However,
the “remote/Footswitch” LED on the front keypad
panel will not be lit.
(Membrane Control Panel)
The filter life indicator on the membrane control
panel provides a visual indication of the status of
the life of the filter in use. The filter life indicator
for the PlumeSafe Smoke Evacuation System(s)
ViroSafe filters are as follows:
Filter Life Time
PSS1202 24
6 Hours
6 Hours
6 Hours*
*The PSWTURBO Filter Life Indicator is factory
set at 6 hours. When using a 12 hour ViroSafe EY
filter, the filter life timer will need to be reset for
the second 6 hours of filter life. For more details
on ViroSafe Filters, see instructions that come
with filters.
To reset the filter life: After each filter change,
press the RESET button for five seconds to restart
the timer for the next filter.
Reading the Filter Life Indicator
Install a ViroSafe Filter into the system per the
installation instructions contained in this
operator’s manual. When the system is turned on,
the filter life indicator will light up all the
GREEN, AMBER, and RED LED’s this indicates
full filter life. The indicator will progress to red
indicators only as the life of the filter is exhausted.
After the appropriate time has elapsed, the RED
LED indicator will start blinking to indicate that
the filter has expended its useful life and requires
CIRCUIT BREAKER (Rear or Side Panel)
Two 15 AMP circuit breaker or fuses (8 AMP for
international systems) are located on the rear or
side of the system. It electrically protects both the
system and the operator from damage or injury. If
the system is overheated or if there is an electrical
surge in the electrical system, the circuit breaker
or fuses will “trip” and the system will not operate.
To re-start the system, depress the circuit breaker
into its original position, or replace the fuses
within the power entry module.
When the Service light illuminates, please
contact BUFFALO FILTER Technical Services
for system service instructions.
2.2 ViroSafe Filter Instructions
Note: Before installing or removing any filter,
be sure that the system is turned off and the
electrical plug has been disconnected.
Filter Installation Instructions:
The installation of the ViroSafe Filter into the
Evacuation System(s) is quick and simple.
Remove the ViroSafe Filter from the shipping
box and discard any protective wrapping.
Examine all filters for damage during shipping
and storage. Do not install any filter with
visible signs of structural damage.
Insert the ViroSafe Filter into the filter
receptacle. Be sure that the filter is seated
completely against the bottom of the filter
Press the FILTER LIFE RESET button on the
membrane control panel for 5 seconds to rest
the filter life clock for the newly installed
WARNING: This device is not intended for
evacuation of fluid.
If fluid is expected to be
aspirated using the ViroSafe Filter or the
BUFFALO FILTER PlumeSafe system, fluid
collection devices must be installed with the
vacuum hose assembly. Failure to install a
fluid collection device may cause filter blockage
and/or electrical damage.