Version: 010905
ShowCase 3264 MANUAL Page 9 of 12
The SETUP key is used to put the panel in one of several setup modes. Setup modes are used to adjust various
system settings. Enter a setup mode number on the KEYPAD, press STORE, then press SETUP. While in a
setup mode, the SETUP key lights and THE PANEL WILL NOT OPERATE NORMALLY! The setup mode must be
exited by using either the SETUP or UNDO keys before any normal panel operation can be performed.
1 = SETUP INPUT RASTER (PST) sets up the format and raster of each of the 32 video inputs on the PST
2 = SETUP INPUT RASTER (PGM) same as 1, but uses the PGM monitor.
3 = LOCK-ON DELAY varies the time period allotted for signal lock-on.
6 = STORE SETUP DATA stores certain panel setting data in nonvolatile EEPROM memory.
7 = RECALL DEFAULT SETUP DATA resets certain panel setting data to the factory defaults.
While in setup mode 1, pressing KEYPAD keys allow various input raster adjustments. Adjustments are made on
the input currently showing on the preset monitor of the lowest selected M/E. Adjustment can be cancelled at any
time by using the UNDO key. When finished, use the SETUP key to save the input raster settings in the format
converter's memory register corresponding to the input key. The saved register data is then automatically copied
to the format converters of all other M/E's. Any time an input is PST on any M/E, the correct memory register for
that input is recalled in the format converter.
If an input is being used on M/E's other than the one used for adjustment, the adjustments will not take effect on
the other M/E's until another input is PST, then the adjusted input is again PST. If a format converter is replaced or
added after input raster adjustments have already been made, they can be copied to the new converter as follows:
Select an existing M/E, press 1 on the keypad, and press and light STORE. Then for each input, select the input,
and press SETUP twice.
Setup mode 2 is used to make the same adjustments, except using the PGM video on the program monitor.
1 = ONE-TIME AUTOSYNC LOCK-ON automatically locks-on to a new signal for a starting point.
4 = LEFT EDGE moving the FADER adjusts the left edge of the visible raster.
6 = RIGHT EDGE moving the FADER adjusts the right edge of the visible raster.
8 = UPPER EDGE moving the FADER adjusts the upper edge of the visible raster.
2, 0 = LOWER EDGE moving the FADER adjusts the lower edge of the visible raster.
5 = ASPECT RATIO moving the FADER adjusts the input aspect ratio.
Press the 1 key to perform a one-time AUTOSYNC lock-on of the current PST or PGM input. Use this feature to
auto detect the format of a new video source, then use the other functions in this section to fine-tune the inputs.
Press the 4 key to use the FADER to adjust the left edge of the raster. Set the raster to the point where you
lose a column of pixels on the left, then just get it back.
Press the 6 key to use the FADER to adjust the right edge of the raster. Set the raster to the point where you
lose a column of pixels on the right, then just get it back.