Ground reference connection:
On every Buchla boat/housing there is a black banana jack (sometimes
labeled “gnd”, often near the card slot. When interconnecting/patching
between two synthesizer systems, it is important that the ground reference is
shared between the systems--including between two Buchla systems. The
ground references should connect here through a banana cable. Without this
shared connection, control voltages will have behave unpredictably. The
connection is not necessary on an isolated system, but important on a
LEM218 or if combining an Easel with another 200e system.
Card Slot:
This card connector is used for both Memory Cards and USB Firmware Cards.
(And this is the one card slot that is reversible!)
Memory cards
--used in conjunction with a preset manager (i.e.225e, 206e)--
can be used to store settings of all the modules in a 200e/h system. Modules
store their own preset parameters, but there is a way to store these modules
parameter information on the Memory Card so that if your system was stolen
or damaged, you could replace the module(s) are rewrite all the saved
parameters onto the new module by writing to and from the memory card.
Note: The 218e does not have any stored preset parameters.
USB Firmware Card: Firmware Update mode or USB-MIDI mode
To allow improvements in firmware, we’ve come up with a USB card that can
upload the various modules with the latest firmware versions.
See the Buchla.com support website for up-to date instructions for each
Firmware updates
If you have a 218e and need to reprogram the 218e with a program update,
the “code loader” is activated by having all knobs turned clockwise when the
system is powered up.
Older BEMI 218’s do not have “code loaders” and need to be reprogrammed
at a service center for them to become 218e’s.
Wait up to two minutes for the 218e to program.
Other indications of successful firmware downloading: You will the LED on the USB Firmware card
blinking quickly when it is downloading software and any preset manager in a system will suspend
it’s operation while the module downloads it’s firmware.