If you experience any problems, please call the Helpline on Freephone 0800 218 218
2* or visit www.bt.com/producthelp
I want to use more than one text (SMS) enabled product on my telephone line
It is possible to connect more than one SMS product to the same telephone line and for both of them
to send and receive Text messages, but you must amend the final digit of both the Send and Receive
Service Centre telephone numbers first.
All BT text capable telephones are provided with the same send and receive telephone numbers, but
with two or more text capable telephones connected to the same telephone line, delivery of text
messages becomes unreliable causing the text to be delivered as a normal telephone call which when
answered will be an electronic Text to Speech message.
To overcome this problem you must keep one of the products as it is with the default Send &
Receive ending in a '9', but for the second and subsequent products you must change the final
digit of the Service Centre numbers (from the default ‘9’) to any unique number between 1 and
8 i.e for a second product change last digit from a '9' to a '1' by changing the Send number from
1470P17094009 to 1470P17094001 and the Receive number from 0800587529 to 0800587521.
For the Send number, go into
- and amend the last digit and then
…. (For Rcv. Centre, go into
and amend the last digit
and then press
Once changed, for the products that you have assigned new send and receive numbers, you need to
send a new registration text to the Fixed Line Text Service platform to register the new identity
(i.e. send a text to 00000 from the product that you changed the Send & Receive numbers).
You can then send and receive text messages from more than one product.
Text has previously been sent and received but you are now only receiving voice
spoken text messages, from number 0845 6021111.
This may be due to your line being de-registered at the text service centre. All you need to do is
and send it to 00000. You will receive a confirmation message back. This assumes that
your Caller Display service is active and working on your line. Messages sent to 00000 are free.
Further help and advice for text queries on BT lines:
BT Residential customers – call 151, choose option 2, when prompted by the Fault Management Service
select option 2, enter your phone number on the handset and wait to speak to a customer adviser.
BT Business Customers – call 152, choose option 2, when prompted by the Fault Management Service
select option 2, enter your phone number on the handset and wait to speak to a customer adviser.
For other telephone service providers please contact their customer services.