If you need some help, call us on 0800 145 6789 or go to bt.com/bt3110
Check the box contents
If you bought more than one
handset you’ll also get:
• Extra handset
• Charger with mains power
adaptor (item code 094096)
• Two rechargeable batteries,
AAA NiMH 300mAh
Only use the mains power adaptors.
Cables and rechargeable batteries
supplied in this box or this product
might not work. Any replacement
rechargeable batteries must be of
the same type. BT accepts no
responsibility for damage caused to
your BT3110 if you use any other
type of batteries.
Phone line (this comes
already installed)
Mains power adaptor
(item code 094096)
Two rechargeable
batteries, AAA NiMH