Redcare 5G GSM STU Installation manual - 04/07/2011
Connection type 0 will satisfy most PSTN installations, but types 2, 3 & 4 can be useful to address
some polling over speech (POS) faults caused by some phone type compatibility issues. The Redcare
helpdesk should be consulted for further advice.
PW = Private Wire (private Circuit) connection. This connection type is only available for
specialised applications.
Once the F2 value has been configured, the MODE button returns to the main menu.
F4 Function 4 - Line monitoring Enable
Pressing set at the F4 menu option allows the Function 4 value to be configured.
At factory default the F4 digit is set to 1.
0 = Disable line monitoring
1 = Enable line monitoring (PSTN voltage and 20 minute forced poll on hook)
2 = Enable line monitoring (PSTN earth calling mode, 2 minute 20 sec forced poll on hook)
3 = Enable line monitoring (PSTN voltage only)
Type 1 will suit the majority of installations (Default)
Type 2 is for Earth calling PSTN lines that may be associated with large older type PABX’s
Type 3 can be used where false disconnection of Redcare MCD is to be avoided after long duration
(>20min) telephone calls
Fast = 2 minute 20s communication check.
Slow = 20 minute communications check
Once the F2 value has been configured, the
button returns to the main menu.
F5 Function 5 - Pin / serial data enable
Pressing set at the F5 menu option allows the Function 5 value to be configured.
At factory default the F5 digit is set to 0.
The Serial alarm input is for future use and not to be used on 5G STU at this time.
All 5G STU’s should use the 0 setting only.
5G GSM STU User/Installation Manual