BSS Audio
FCS-930/960 User Manual v3.0
Page 9
.1 Normal Mode
Here the Q value of the filter is set to allow groups of faders to be set in a pattern
which represents fairly closely the actual amplitude response obtained. The
combining effect is smooth whilst still retaining a degree of selectivity normally
associated with a graphic equaliser. The constant Q design allows predictable and
precise control over the whole range of fader movement.
This Normal mode would be used for all sweetening type of work where boosts
and cuts are combined to provide an overall smooth contouring response.
.2 Fine mode
Here the filters are reconfigured to offer a higher Q value, and hence produce less
adjacent filter interaction. This requirement is consistent with applications where
high selectivity is required such as for correcting room resonances and where a
number of notches are required to be inserted to avoid feedback. Again the filters
produce a constant Q shape which allows high selectivity for small amounts of cut
or boost. A feature hard to realise on many other graphic equalisers. In general you
would use this mode where amplitude cuts are primarily being introduced. It still
however, has many applications for sweetening work as the combining response is
still acceptably ripple free.
.3 High pass filter
This third order variable filter sweeps from 20Hz to 250Hz at 18dB/oct and
provides extra equalisation in applications where precise control is required on
the low frequency energy within a system. This can be required for protecting
loudspeakers from excessive cone excursion beyond their design limits, for
optimising amplifier headroom in passively crossed-over loudspeaker systems by
limiting wasted power at low frequencies, or for increasing intelligibility in mainly
voice based applications. Press the associated switch to select the
filter, and the LED illuminates in confirmation. De-selecting the function removes
the filter from the signal path completely.
.4 Gain control peak LED
This control is incorporated within the filter sections offering the facility to balance
the overall sound level, after setting the required equalisation. It offers a range of
±10dB, the centre position being 0dB unity gain.
When the EQ IN switch is released (equalisation bypassed), the GAIN control is
also bypassed and does not affect the output signal level. This allows proper A/B
comparisons to be made of the program signal as the EQ IN switch is operated.
The PEAK LED indicator monitors a number of points within the circuitry and will
indicate when the signal at any of the monitored points reaches within 2dB of clip.