RF out :
Connect those outputs to your receiver or splitter.
More informations :
-Led Optical On (5) light up if the corresponding optical receiver is
- «Pin out » of Neutrik Opticalcon figure on (2).
-If you plan to not use « coaxial antennas » you should consider to
desactivate DC feed voltage and connect 50ohms BNC loads.
Antennas disposition :
-If you need to optimise coverage in the same space, first try just one pair
of antennas and do some walkaround to check coverage. Then add
another pair of antennas in the area where you want more signal. Redo the
- If antennas from different port are two close from each other, this could
lead to multipath loss. When multipath loss occure you get fast RF
attenuation leading to a fast audio lost and recover. If you does'nt know
much about it please contact us we'll be pleased to help you on your
Dual channnel hybrid combiner