Diagnostic Trouble Codes
Interpret DTCs
In the remaining part of the manual you’ll find all DTCs from all control units in a Volvo car.
However, you will not find all definition variants to each DTC. The manual only presents the
all-embracing headline definition (marked red below). This is because of the limited space.
A complete list with all definitions for all DTCs is available on the home page.
ECM-2820 Front HO2S, bank 1, heating
ECM-2820 Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), bank 1, heating. Signal missing
ECM-2820 Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), bank 1, heating. Signal too high
ECM-2820 Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), bank 1, heating. Signal too low
ECM-2820 HO2S bank 1, preheating
ECM-2820 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) bank 1, preheating. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault
ECM-2820 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) bank 1, preheating. Faulty signal. Permanent fault
ECM-2820 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) bank 1, preheating. Signal missing. Intermittent fault
ECM-2820 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) bank 1, preheating. Signal missing. Permanent fault
ECM-2820 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) bank 1, preheating. Signal too high. Intermittent fault
ECM-2820 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) bank 1, preheating. Signal too high. Permanent fault
ECM-2820 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) bank 1, preheating. Signal too low. Intermittent fault
ECM-2820 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) bank 1, preheating. Signal too low. Permanent fault
ECM-2820 Fuel level too low
ECM-2820 Fuel level. Level too low
Example that shows DTC ”ECM-2820”.
Only the all-embracing headline (marked red above) is showed in this manual.
To get all explanations (crossed above) see our home page.