Display and operating elements
VC920E / C102833.002 / V 13
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Status signals
OK error
The occurrence of an OK-error is indicated by the extinction of the LED.
The OK relay is de-energized.
LIM 1, LIM 2 error signals
The behaviour of the limit relays is determined by the connection status of
the terminals 31/32 (Relay Reset).
Terminals 31/32 not connected resp. Contacts open
Limit value exceedances are stored - the limit relays remain energized - until
the Reset button is pushed. A reset of the limit relay is only possible if the
measurement value is lower than the corres-ponding limit value.
Terminals 31/32 connected by push-button
The energized limit relay contacts will be reset. A reset of the limit relay is
only possible if the measurement value is lower than the corresponding limit
Terminals 31/32 permanently connected
(Standard delivery)
The limit exceeedance is signalled only for as long as the limit value is
exceeded. If the measurement values fall lower than the limit values the LIM
LEDs and the limit relays will be reset.
Limit value LIM 1
Yellow LED / LIM 1 Relay
If the current measurement value is higher than the limit value and remains
at this level for longer than the set time delay, the LED will light up. The LIM 1
relay will react according to the defined setup. It will be energized when set
up as normally de-energized and will be de-energized when set up as a
normally energized relay.
If an OK error occurs during a LIM1 activation, the limit signal (LED and
relay) will be reset to the normal status for the duration of the OK error.