ESC iXn2
Specify template selection
ESC i X n 2 n1 n2 n3
27 105 88 110 50 nd1 nd2 nd3
1B 69 58 6E 32 nh1 nh2 nh3
nh1:01h (Fixed)
nh2:00h (Fixed)
Specify the template selected from the machine as a number.
Template number (1 to 99)
The default selection number is 1.
This command is a static command.
The template numbers that can be set are between 1 and 99. This is invalid when an
attempt is made to specify a value other than these or when the number that is specified
is of a template not transferred to the machine.
To select template number 99:
Since nh3=63h, the command will be as follows.
ESC i X n 2 01h 00h 63h
(1Bh 69h 58h 6Eh 32h 01h 00h 63h)