Brother TN-1050, HL-1110, HL-1112 nachfüllen
Filling the Toner Cartridge Brother TN-1050, HL-1110, HL-1112
Take the bottle of refill toner and shake it lightly. Remove the cap from the bottle and screw in a
funnel. Carefully pour the toner into the toner cartridge (Figure 3). When you have filled the
cartridge, you can replace the previously removed plug. After filling, you only need to insert the
reset lever or reset it to "full".
Brother HL-1110, HL-1112 - Refilling Toner Brother TN-1050, HL-1110, HL-1112 refill
Reset Lever to Brother TN-1050, HL-1110, HL-1112
The reset lever is a mechanical device that counts down the toner level every time you print. You
need to insert the reset lever and
a new side cover if you want to refill a starter cartridge
(to be
used when buying a printer). Replenished toner cartridges already have the reset lever and the new
cover and only need to be reset in this case.
Loosen the two screws on the side cover (Figure 4). The side cover is now only attached with two
barbs. Loosen the two barbs (Figure 5 and 6) and remove the side cover. When you remove the
upper, right-hand gear (Figure 7), you can insert or reverse the reset lever (Figure 8). Make sure the
small plastic arm is pointing to the left. After inserting the reset lever, you can replace the previously
removed gear and replace the side cover
Brother TN-1050, HL-1110, HL-1112
Remove 2 Screws
Brother TN-1050, HL-1110, HL-1112
Remove Barbs