seTTInG The alaRM
After you activate Moshi:
Say "set alarm ."
Moshi will respond "tell me the time you want the alarm to sound ."
State the alarm time in a clear voice . Example: "six thirty AM ."
Moshi will then repeat the alarm time back to you: "the alarm time
is now set to six thirty AM ."
Your alarm time is set!
choosInG an alaRM soUnD
After you activate Moshi:
Say "alarm sound ."
Moshi will respond "to choose an alarm sound, say alarm 1,
alarm 2 or alarm 3" giving an example of each alarm sound
after each numbered choice .
Say your choice . For example: "alarm 2 ."
Moshi will then play a short sample of the alarm sound you chose .
Your alarm sound is set!
1 .
2 .
3 .
4 .
5 .
1 .
2 .
3 .
4 .
5 .