UsInG The PRoTecTIve sleeve
Old photos or documents may be fragile, curled or even bent . To protect them from
possible damage during scanning, use the PROTECTIVE SLEEVE (included) .
1 . Peel back the film on the PROTECTIVE SLEEVE before use .
2 . Place the photo inside the PROTECTIVE SLEEVE face up, so the image shows
through the clear film . Carefully push the film over the photo, avoiding bubbles
and creases . Slide the tongue at the edge of the plastic into the slot to secure .
3 . Feed the sealed end of the PROTECTIVE SLEEVE into the FEED SLOT first
for scanning .
4 . Make sure the roller and lens are clean and free of dust to ensure a high
quality scan .
Important: Do not place the photo into the PrOteCtIve SLeeve if the
photo has been laminated.
caRe anD MaInTenance
Over time, the roller and lens of your Scanner may become dirty and dusty .
Follow the steps in the following two sections to clean both the roller and the
lens to make sure your photos/documents scan as crisp and clean as possible .