recording a voice acTivaTed video (voX)
Slide the VOX switch to ON and slide the POWER switch to ON .
Press the RECORD button . The video camera will go into STANDBY mode .
The video camera will start to record continuously when a voice or sound
65 decibels or higher trips its automatic recording device .
The camera will stop recording and go into STANDBY mode when the sound
of 65 decibels or higher has stopped for longer than 2 minutes .
The video camera will automatically record and go back into STANDBY mode
for as long as the POWER and VOX switches are ON .
note: when the video camera is in sTandby mode, the power switch can
be slid to oFF and all of your recordings will be saved in an avi file format.
iF the video camera is still recording, you must press the record button
to stop recording video, and then slide the power switch to off. if you do
not press the record button to stop the recording, the entire file will not
be saved. if at any time the video camera does not react when the power
switch is pressed, the device needs to be recharged.
6 . To shut off the VOX, slide the VOX switch to the OFF position . To shut the video
camera off completely, slide the POWER switch to OFF .
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