brookfield industries, inc.
99 West Hillside Ave
Thomaston, CT 06787
Entrapment Protection:
NB-4120-DC Commercial/Industrial Sliding Door
is compliant with
325 Section 30.2 External Entrapment Protection
(Fail Safe/Self-Monitoring)
providing all External
Safety Devises are wired and installed per this manual.
Absolute position feedback control:
this assures the CPU always knows the door’s position. During
installation, a power interruption, or if electrical noise is encountered, the door is not required to be
“homed”, “reset” nor go through a “learn speed cycle” at any time. Also, limit or proximity switches are not
required for controlling the door’s position.
PLC/Logic Control:
a) Shall be a PLC with sufficient I/O and a CPU (Central Processing Unit) with adequate memory,
response times and scanning rates in order to properly control the motion and positioning of Linear
Accelerator Sliding Doors.
b) Outputs commands shall be the internal type, integral with the PLC. No external limit or proximity
switches shall be allowed for control of door positioning.
c) A means to interface with the PLC for adjusting preset values for the open, partial open, closed, creep
closed and creep open positions.
d) Diagnostics and troubleshooting of the PLC shall be provided with LED and modular plug-in
e) The PLC shall be provided with an internal battery to store the door position presets in the CPU
3/4 hp permanent magnet 90 volt DC motor 1750 RPM TEFC with rear shaft extension.
Motor Control:
shall be a full-wave, four quadrant, regenerative, 90 VDC variable speed control with the
following functions:
FWD/REV maximum speed
FWD/REV current limit
IR compensation
FWD/REV acceleration/deceleration
1% speed regulation
50:1 speed range.
Speed Control:
a means of controlling independent forward and reverse speeds as well as controlling end
of travel (latch check/back check speeds). This can be accomplished externally with speed pots or
internally with the PLC.
Drive train:
shall be designed to assure each component (including gear reducers, timing belt and
structural parts) from the motor to the door attachment point is properly “sized” in order to transfer all
operating torques and forces as defined for Linear Accelerator Sliding Doors.
NEMA 1 vented enclosure of sufficient size (24” x 20 x 6-5/8”) to house the PLC, motor
control, speed pots, battery backup system and terminal strip hookups. Enclosure shall have separate
penetrations for supply voltage, safety sensors, push buttons, motor and positioning transducer hookups.
All penetrations shall be drilled for ¾” conduits or the equivalent metric size for European installations.
Raw Materials:
ASTM A36, AISI 1018 cold rolled steel, Aluminum 6061-T6511, Structural tubing ASTM A-
500, grade 5 bolting or better.
Mounting hardware:
the NB-4120-DC shall be mounted with (8) 3/8” grade 5 diameter bolts with
compatible washers and lock washers. Hardware must also be properly tightened with adequate thread
all exposed metal surfaces shall be prime painted.
Functionality test:
each NB-4120-DC is cycle tested in position for 24 hrs. prior to shipment. Each unit is
checked for leaks and that all I/O are functioning properly.
Manual Operation:
A flexible shaft engages and disengages into the rear shaft of the motor via a remote control cable. A lever
arm activates the remote control cable and a 7” diameter hand wheel is connected to the flexible shaft for
smooth operation. The hand wheel and lever arm are contained in a NEMA 1 enclosure. Approximate
opening time, is 2.5 minutes. Opening force at the hand wheel is not more than 50 lbs with power
removed (ref. UL 325 29.3) Important
: the flexible shaft shall not be engaged to the motor unless
power to the operator has been interrupted
Please refer to the
NB-4120-2-DC Door Operator Manual,
Installation instructions
Drawings: NB-4120-2C4, NB-4120-2DC4, NB-4120-2DC8, NB-4120-2DC9, NB-4120-2P2, NB-4120-2-DC-
Travel and NB-4120-2-DC-SingleSlide-1