Attention! Read all instructions before attaching the ProClip.
1. a) Press the thin ends of the two enclosed gap openers into the gap between the dashboard ledge and the air
vent frame to widen the gap. (The air vent frame may "pop up" a little. The distance between the gap openers has
to be wider than the width of the ProClip.) b) Peel off the cover of the adhesive tape on the ProClip. Press the thin
angled edge on the upper part of the ProClip into the gap between the gap openers - don't press it all the way in
so the adhesive tape attaches to the ledge yet.
2. a) Remove the left gap opener and slide the ProClip to the left to desired position. b) Pull the lower part of the
ProClip downwards so it hooks behind the wood grain panel. By doing this you seal the adhesive tape at the top
of the ProClip.
3. a) Press upwards on the lower part of the ProClip so the angled edge goes all the way in behind the wood
grain panel. b) Remove the right gap opener by the upper part of the ProClip and press down on the air vent
panel so it "pops" back into place.
4. The ProClip is in place