BRODA Auto Locking Glider
The auto locking function is supported by a mechanical locking device designed to permit gliding action when the
chair is occupied, and to lock the gliding action when the chair becomes unoccupied. (See Section 4, Operation and
Movement). No motors or other powered devices are used in the chair.
Standard cushions include: Seat Pad, Back Pad and Side Pads. A Neckrest cushion is standard on the 100-20 AL
(Tall Back Glider) The 27 ounce vinyl fabric covering is an ultrasoft leather feel with superior wear resistance and is
manufactured to meet the following codes: BIFMA Class A, UFAC Class 1 and California Tech Bulletin 117
Section E.
2.3 Shipping and Storage Specifications
BRODA chairs should be shipped and stored in an upright condition and not stacked higher than 3 boxes. No other
materials should be shipped or stored on top of a BRODA box. BRODA boxes should not be placed on pallets.
BRODA chairs should be shipped and stored at temperatures between minus 20 degrees Celsius and plus 40 degrees
Celsius. BRODA chairs should not be used until they are between 0 degrees Celsius and 30 degrees Celsius.
BRODA chairs should be kept in a clean, dry environment.
Upon receipt, we recommend that the shipping carton be immediately examined for damage. Any damage should be
noted on the delivery receipt and a request for inspection by the transportation company should be made. The
shipping carton should be opened immediately and the chair examined for concealed shipping damage. If the chair
appears to be damaged, a concealed damage report should be immediately filed with the transportation company.