0844 463 9705
If your Fridge Freezer is not operating as expected, you may find a simple solution
listed in the table below. If your Fridge Freezer has developed a fault not covered in
this manual, please contact the Britannia services, spares and technical department.
Possible cause
Your Fridge Freezer
It is switched off
Check that your Fridge
does not operate.
at the mains.
Freezer is plugged in and
turned on at the mains.
Your Fridge Freezer does
The thermostat
Turn the thermostat to a
not get cold enough.
is set too low.
higher value. (A setting of
5 will provide the lowest
The doors are opened
Try to reduce the number of
and closed too frequently.
times the doors are opened
and closed.
The door seals are faulty.
Contact Britannia
services, spares and
technical department.
The refrigerator
Check that there is enough
compartment is overfilled.
space between items to
allow air circulation. Make
sure that no items of food
are blocking the air vents.
Food in the freezer
The thermostat setting
Put the thermostat on
compartment is colder
may be too high.
a lower setting.
than necessary.
BL150706 Retro Breeze TOP MOUNT Fridge Freezer Manual A5.indd 24
17/07/2015 16:43