A016 GB Issue 02
The Display can be switched to show all temperature settings in degrees Fahrenheit. Press the - and +
buttons simultaneously to unlock the main menu. Scroll to the C/F option and press OK to select the C/F
display screen. Press the + button to select °F or the – button to select °C. Press OK to return to the Main
Menu and then scroll down to Save. Press OK to save the changes.
temperatures: Typical
37.4 – 37.6°C
99.3 – 99.6°F
21 days
37.6 – 37.8°C
99.6 - 100°F
23-27 days
37.6 – 37.8°C
99.6 - 100°F
16-23 days
37.4 – 37.6°C
99.3 – 99.6°F
28 days
36.8 – 37.0°C
98.3 – 98.6ºF
24-29 days
36.8 – 37.0°C
98.3 – 98.6ºF
26-28 days
Love birds
36.8 – 37.0°C
98.3 – 98.6ºF
22-24 days
African Grey
36.8 – 37.0°C
98.3 – 98.6ºF
28 days
36.8 – 37.0°C
98.3 – 98.6ºF
28 days
Developing embryos are fairly tolerant of short term temperature drops and the user need not be
concerned about cooling that occurs when inspecting eggs. Temperatures above ideal can quickly have a
serious detrimental effect on hatch rates and must be avoided.
The Mini Advance has a built-in temperature alarm which warns of high or low temperatures. See section
5 for details.
8 Humidity and Ventilation
Short term variations in humidity are not important. The average humidity over the incubation period needs to
be near optimum to achieve the ideal weight loss. High humidity for the day or two of hatching is also important.
Beware chronic, excessive humidity.
Two factors affect incubation humidity: water evaporation within the cabinet (from eggs as well as from
additional water) and levels of ventilation. The water content of the air being drawn through the incubator
will also have an effect.
There are three methods available to bird breeders to achieve correct humidity levels:
a) Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for water levels (see below).
b) Measure humidity levels and adjust to match published guidelines for different species (see below).
Monitor egg weight loss which varies as a direct result of humidity and correct against published weight
loss figures for the species.
As a general guide for poultry/game/waterfowl maintain water in one of the two water pots
from the time eggs are set until 2 days before hatching is due - the depth of water doesn’t
matter. If the incubator is full of parrot (and parrot like species) eggs the incubator may be run
without water for some of the early incubation period.
For all species ensure the water level is above the divider between the two pots for the last two
days of incubation. Higher humidity levels are needed for hatching to prevent membranes
drying too quickly.
The above guidelines make no provision for different ambient conditions and are necessarily
rather generalised but they are simple and often effective.