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1. Warranty/ maintenance
Defects in the product that are demonstrably
traceable to a material and/or production
fault and which occur within the following
warranty periods shall be recovered free of
charge by the seller in accordance with the
following conditions. The following warranty
terms apply:
Six years on the frame;
Two years on the front fork
(with suspension);
Two years on the drive system;
Two years on the battery pack;
Two years on the steering control unit;
Two years on all the remainding parts,
except for parts that are subject to wear
and tear.
The aforementioned time limits shall com-
mence on the day of delivery of the product.
The warranty claim does not apply
to shortcomings caused by:
Necessary periodic checkups/maintenance;
Repairs or replacements of parts due to
normal wear and tear;
Battery wear: a battery is one product sub-
ject to wear and whose capacity decreases
in the over time. Therefore apply to batte-
ries the following conditions to qualify for
With new delivery, warranty applies if the
battery has a capacity of less than 95%.
Warranty applies after 1 year of use the
battery has a capacity of less than 80%.
Warranty applies after 2 years of use the
battery has a capacity of less than 65%.
If a 3 year warranty is provided warranty
applies if the battery has a capacity of less
than 55%
Please understand to read the battery
via the display or a service tool is not the
correct capacity. The shown capacity will
be lower than reality because a portion
of capacity is used for functioning of the
system, such as lighting, controller and
display. The capacity can only be correct-
ly determined by a professional battery
capacity tester.
In addition, the battery should be treated
according to the manual to be eligible for
warranty. for example: reduced battery
capacity due to deep discharge (as the
battery was left empty for a long time) is
excluded from the warranty.
External damage such as scratches and
Defects caused by climatic influences,
such as disintegration of lacquer, corrosion
and/or rust formation;