Setup Little Bricon:
Connect the clock to the antennas (no flight in the clock if you modify the settings !)
On the screen of the Little you see “SMS found” press “OK”. The clock starts in training mode,
got to the menu by pressing “C”. Now press Menu and chose 3 options and again point 3 SMS
you can change the setup.
1. Telephone number Fill in the GSM number and also the code of the country
for example 32475752175 (code of country followed by the
telephone number without the 0)
2. Setup
1. training : No (sending training pigeons or not, push 1 to change)
By setting the training on ‘yes’ , you get automatic setup, namely 4
by number and 10 by group. It takes 30 sec. before the pigeon will
be send. In case of the 30 sec. more pigeons arrive, they will send
2. number : xx (the number of pigeons from who you want to
receive a message, according to arrival) These messages will be send
a few seconds after arrival.
3. Group : xx (to give you a message when for example 10/20/30
pigeons are arrived/flight)
This setup must always be higher than the number.
3.Test SMS
You can test the connection and a text will be send to a GSM that
you chose.
3. Good to know / solution for problems
If there is no connection with the GSM, you can switch it off and on and also restart the
system completely.
The message ‘SMS-found’ must always appear by starting the clockingmode (only Little).
A clocking module can not be connected at the same time to the GMS interface.
You can switch it when the power is off.