Ring 00099-1234567
Transmit ?
Confirm when the data are correct. Press
<C> when they are wrong, press <OK>
when they are correct.
Ring send
Press any key...
Press any key to continue. You can now
continue basketing.
8.5. Wrong ring number.
This can happen if the fancier changed the rings unknown to the responsible
person for the club.
Follow the next steps:
Ring send
Press any key...
Press any key.
Hold the pigeon on
basketing antenna
<C> Stop
Hold the ring of the pigeon with the wrong
ring number once again above the
basketing antenna
within 5 minutes.
Pigeon already bask.
Cancel ?
Press <OK>. The pigeon is deleted and
removed from the race.
Put a new ring on the pigeon's foot and continue the basketing procedure. This
new ring will ask for an EMERGENCY ENTRY (see
9.4. Pigeon not listed!
Emergency entry when basketing
Make this emergency entry and the remaining pigeons can be basketed.
8.6. What is left in the fancier's EC?
Possibility 1: print an overview list (see
7.4.2. Overview list
Possibility 2: when you only want to look at the races of which the data have not
been released yet, you have to follow the next steps.