MIDI Enhancements
This release brings many new Midi features, including program changes and selective system exclusive data dumps.
System Menu MIDI Settings
You will find there are 2 new midi related pages in the system menu. These need to be set correctly for the M7 communicate
with another midi device:
Midi Channel:
This selects the midi channel the M7 will communicate on, 1-15 or Omni.
This is only needed for Program Change Messages. Sysex messages do not use MIDI channel
Midi Bank:
This selects the default bank that MIDI Program Changes will be mapped to. At the factory this is set to
This is the default bank used every time the M7 is powered up. The M7 does respond to MIDI Bank
change messages (see below). When a MIDI Bank Change message is received it will change the
current Bank, (but not the default bank specified in the System Page.)
Midi Program Changes
Midi Program Changes can be mapped to the Preset Programs by bank, User Registers, and Favorites. On the Midi Bank
page, select between Preset Banks, User Registers or Favorites.
Mapping to the User Registers
1. In the system page Midi Bank select, set the M7 to Regs. This will map the program change to the user registers.
2. The program changes are mapped one to one with the user registers, so you will need to store the presets you want
to use in the correct corresponding user registers. For example Midi program change 0 = M7 Register Bank 0
program 0 in the M7 and so on.
3. Start the sequencer or application that generates the changes and the M7 will follow and load the programs from the
user registers.
Mapping to the Preset Programs and Banks
1. In the system page Midi Bank select, set the M7 to one of the listed preset banks, for example Halls 1. This will
map the bank and following program change to the selected M7 Bank, in this case Halls 1. These program changes
are mapped one to one with the programs in the selected M7 bank.
Mapping to the Four Favorites
1. In the system page Midi Bank select, set the M7 to Favs. This will map the bank and following program changes to
the 4 front panel favorites.
Midi Bank and Program Changes
Press and hold momentarily ENTER and the current Bank and Program will be sent to your receiving device. When this is
sent back to the M7, the saved Bank and Program will be selected.
If an attempt is made to select an unused Register or
Favorite, the Bank and Program Change is ignored.
The M7 uses the following values for bank selects:
Rooms 2
1 Plates
Plates 2
Spaces 2
4 Ambience
5 Spaces
6 Halls 2
120 Registers