Fill-Boss® Operation Manual V3.00
Troubleshooting/Minimizing Foaming
If you have filling issues, please use the Reset Defaults menu function to reset the unit to defaults and
cycle the power on the unit before contacting support. Since every beverage is different, it is important
to try varying fill speeds and pressures to get a proper fill. With a little experimenting, most every
beverage can be filled successfully. In general, the higher the carbonation level of the beverage the
higher the pressure you will need to fill at. If you are getting too much foaming, first try lowering the
fill speed. Alternatively, try raising the pressure. Increasing pressure will increase fill speed as well
but will create a larger pressure release burst (spray) when you remove a bottle, so the goal is to fill at
the lowest pressure you can. Experiment until you get the correct balance of fill speed and pressure. If
you are getting sprayed when removing the bottle, try letting the bottle rest a while before removing it.
We cannot stress enough the need to chill your bottles before filling them! The colder the bottle the
better. We typically fill a sink with water, add Star San at proper dilution for the volume of water and
ice, and then add several pounds of ice to chill the water. We then submerse bottles in the ice water to
sanitize and chill them.
We also recommend the FastWasher device. This simply sets in a sink or cooler filled with an ice water
bath, as described above, and allows you to chill and sanitize 24 bottles at a time. Here is a link to that
product or scan the QR Code.
For support, contact [email protected]
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