Breville LMC600 Instruction Book Download Page 27



Both the CAKE and BAKE functions are 

recommended for cake making, however,  

the BAKE function does not require the 

kneading blade, so it is ideal for cooking 

prepared cake mix. 
The BAKE function can also be used to add 

some additional time to any BREAD function. 
1.  Press the MENU button until the desired 

function flashes on the display screen.

2.  Press the SET button to confirm. The   

DELAYED START icon will display for the 

BAKE function only. Use the + and -  to adjust 

the time between 10 minutes and 1 hour.



The CAKE function can be used when you 

would like to mix and bake a cake. During 

the first 5 minutes of operation, scape down 

the sides of the bread pan with a rubber or 

silicon spatula to ensure the ingredients are 

thoroughly mixed.


Delayed time is not available on the CAKE 



If you press the SET button after changing  

the delayed start time the unit will return to  

the default settings.

3.  Press the START/CANCEL button to start 

the function.

4.  When the time has elapsed, the unit will 

beep 4 times. The   KEEP WARM icon will 

display and keep warm will operate for up to  

1 hour for BAKE only.


Keep Warm is not available on the CAKE 


5.  Once the keep warm time elapses, the unit 

will beep 4 times and the   COMPLETED 

icon will display.

6.  To cancel the function at any time during 

operation or before keep warm commences, 

press and hold the START/CANCEL button.



The DOUGH and PASTA DOUGH functions 

are ideal for making fresh bread, pizza and 

pasta dough by mixing the ingredients 

together. Once complete, the dough is ready  

for hand shaping, rolling or placing through  

a pasta extruder.
1.  Press the MENU button until the desired 

function flashes on the display screen.

2.  Press SET to confirm. The   DELAYED 

START icon will display. Use the + and -  

to adjust the time up to 15 hours.



Delayed time is not available on the PASTA 

DOUGH function.


If you press the SET button after changing  

the delayed start time the unit will return to  

the default settings.

3.  Press the START/CANCEL button to start 

the function.

4.  After the dough has been partially combined 

in the multi cooker (at around 5 minutes), 

open the lid and add 20ml of water to the 

outer edges inside the bread pan. This will 

help the dough pick up any dry pieces on the 

outer edges of the bread pan.

LMC600_ANZ_IB_D19.indd   27

5/9/19   4:06 pm

Summary of Contents for LMC600

Page 1: ...the Multi Cooker 9 in 1 Instruction Book LMC600 LMC600_ANZ_IB_D19 indd 1 5 9 19 4 06 pm ...

Page 2: ...tingtheBreville multicookerforthefirsttime andsaveforfuturereference Removeandsafelydiscard anypackagingmaterialand promotionallabelsbefore usingthemulticookerfor thefirsttime Whenunpackingthemulti cooker checktoseeyou havereceivedalltheitems listedinthepartslistbefore discardingthepackaging Toeliminateachoking hazardforyoungchildren removeandsafelydiscard theprotectivecoverfittedto thepowerplugof...

Page 3: ... cleanandfreeofwater flourandothersubstances Vibrationduringthekneading cyclesmaycausethemulti cookertomoveslightly Donotoperatethemulti cookeronasinkdrainboard Donotplacethismulticooker onornearahotgasorelectric burner orwhereitcould touchaheatedoven Position theapplianceataminimum distanceof20cmawayfrom walls Thiswillhelppreventthe possibilityofdiscolouration duetoradiatedheat Donotplacethemulti...

Page 4: ...mbled wheninuseand whenstored Extremecautionmustbe usedwhenthemulticooker containshotfood liquids and oroil Improperuse mayresultininjury When operatingthismulticooker ensurethelidisproperly assembledandlockedinto positionbeforeuseunless statedotherwise Theglassviewingwindow onthelidhasbeenspecially treatedtomakeitstronger moredurableandsaferthan ordinaryglass however it isnotunbreakable Ifstruck ...

Page 5: ...eswillbe highwhenthemulticooker isoperatingandforsome timeafteruse Donotplacetheremovable cookingbowlwhenhoton anysurfacethatmaybe affectedbyheat Topreventscratchingthe non sticksurfaceofthe removablecookingbowlor breadpan donotusemetal utensils Alwaysusesuitable sizedheat proofplasticor woodenutensils Ifusing plasticutensils donotleave plasticutensilsinsidethe multicookercookingbowl orbreadpanwhi...

Page 6: ...g instructionsprovidedin thisbook Special Safeguards Information for Slow Cooking Function Whenusingaslowcooking function Lo MedorHi ensurethecookingbowlis at least to fulloffoodor liquidbeforeswitchingonthe multicooker Special Safeguards Information for Steaming Function Alwaysensurethereisenough liquidintheremovable cookingbowlwhensteaming Atleast4cups 1litre ofliquid isrequiredwhensteaming Spec...

Page 7: ...low the cooking bowl Remove the deep frying basket from the cooking bowl if you see the oil level rising rapidly and reduce the volume of ingredients in the basket If oil overflows into the baking chamber switch the multi cooker off at the power outlet remove the power plug from the power outlet and remove the connector end of the power cord from the multi cooker base Allowthemulticookerandall acc...

Page 8: ...outlet Donotletthepowercord hangovertheedgeofabench ortable touchhotsurfacesor becomeknotted Toprotectagainstelectric shock donotimmersethe powercord powerplug orapplianceinwateror anyotherliquidorallow moisturetocomeincontact withthepart unlessit isrecommendedinthe cleaninginstructions Theapplianceisnot intendedforusebypersons includingchildren with reducedphysical sensory ormentalcapabilities or...

Page 9: ...applianceshouldbe disconnectedfromthepower sourceatthewallsocket topreventanyelectrical surgesthatmayariseduring thestormandwhichmay inadvertentlycausedamage totheapplianceandits electroniccomponentry Alwaysturntheappliance totheOFFposition switch offatthepoweroutletand unplugatthepoweroutlet whentheapplianceisnot inuse Beforecleaning alwaysturn theappliancetotheOFF position switchoffatthe powerou...

Page 10: ...icookerif oiloverflowsthecookingbowl andleaksthroughthebase ofthemulticookerontothe benchtop Turntheunitoffat thepowerpointandcontact BrevilleCustomerService Centreforexaminationand orrepair WARNING Steamventsareveryhot duringoperation FOR HOUSEHOLD USE ONLY SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS LMC600_ANZ_IB_D19 indd 10 5 9 19 4 06 pm ...

Page 11: ...ooking bowl M Cheese strainer N Kneading blade O Measuring spoon P Hook for removing the kneading blade from bread loaves Q Soup ladle R Rice serving spoon S Deep fry basket with removable handle T Cooking bowl U Bread pan V Bread measuring cup W Rice measuring scoop Not Shown Removable drip collector Heating elements Power cord Temperature sensors Power cord connector Non slip feet A B C D E F H ...

Page 12: ...12 J I K U L M O N P Q R W V S T LMC600_ANZ_IB_D19 indd 12 5 9 19 4 06 pm ...

Page 13: ...OM SET MENU BREAD COOK START CANCEL Control Panel A Custom Button B Cook Button C Bread Button D Start Cancel Button E Set Button F Menu Button G Buttons A C B D F E G LMC600_ANZ_IB_D19 indd 13 5 9 19 4 06 pm ...

Page 14: ...king Functions B Loaf Size Crust Colour C 7 Bread 6 Non Bread Functions D Slow Cook Lo Med Hi E Deep Fry Lo Hi A B C D E Delayed Start Pre heat Knead Rest Proof Bake Keep Warm Completed LMC600_ANZ_IB_D19 indd 14 5 9 19 4 06 pm ...

Page 15: ... cooker Followthecookingandbreadbaking instructionsfoundinthisbook 5 Addallingredientstothe cookingbowl or breadpanbasedonthe chosenrecipe 6 Unlesssautéingordeepfrying close the lid untilitclicksintoplace Insertthe connector endofthepowercordintothe multi cooker inletatthebackof the unit 7 Insertthepowerplugintoa230 240Vpower outletandturnthe outleton 8 Thescreenwilllightupdisplayingthe functions ...

Page 16: ...panelisnottouchedafteroneminute Touch anybuttontoreturnthescreentonormal 7 Asasafetyfeature theDeepFryfunction willturnoffautomaticallyifnobuttonsare pressedafter30minutes 8 Ifaselectionisnotavailableonachosen function themulticookerwillissue3quick beepsasanalert 9 Ifusingthedefaulttime presstheSTART CANCELbuttontocommence IfSTART CANCELisnotpressed themulticooker withreverttostandbymodewithin3sec...

Page 17: ...ep4 timesandthe COMPLETEDiconwilldisplay 10 Tocancelthefunctionatanytimeduring operation pressandholdtheSTART CANCELbutton NOTE Do not close the lid while sautéing ingredients The lid should only be closed for preheating STEAM The STEAM functionturnswaterinthecooking bowlintosteamtocookingredientsplacedinthe steamingtray Idealforsteamingdumplings fish vegetablesandpuddings 1 Placethecookingbowlint...

Page 18: ...rm 5 PresstheSTART CANCELbuttontostart thefunction 6 Whenthetimehaselapsed the unitwill beep4times The KEEPWARMiconwill displayandkeepwarmwill operate for upto 4hours 7 Oncethekeepwarmtimeelapses theunit willbeep4timesandthe COMPLETED iconwilldisplay 8 Tocancelthefunctionatanytimeduring operationorbeforekeepwarmcommences pressandholdtheSTART CANCELbutton NOTE Soup Stew does not have preheat This m...

Page 19: ...ARMiconwilldisplay andkeepwarmwilloperateforupto4hours 9 Oncethekeepwarmtimeelapses theunitwill beep4timesandthe COMPLETEDiconwill display 10 Tocancelthefunctionatanytimeduring operationorbeforekeepwarmcommences pressandholdtheSTART CANCELbutton DEEP FRY The DEEP FRY function has 2 heat temperature settings LO Low and HI High Choose the heat setting appropriate to the food being cooked WARNING Whe...

Page 20: ...asket from the hot oil Follow instructions provided in this book Clean the multi cooker after each use when using the DEEP FRY function Remove all oil residue from the interior of the cooking bowl surround inner lid and baking chamber after each use Refer to the Care Cleaning Storage section in this booklet for more details SLOW COOK This multi cooker has the option of using the SLOW COOKER on LO ...

Page 21: ...or grill or at a house where the power is on If the food was completely cooked before the power went out the food should remain safe for up to two hours WARNING Highhumidity altitude liquidandfood temperature ingredients ingredientsize andminorfluctuationsmayslightlyaffect the cookingtimesinthemulticooker POWERINTERRUPTIONPROTECTION Thismulticookerisequippedwitha7minute powerinterruptionprotection...

Page 22: ...ndthe unitwill displayProgram1 P01 2 Pressthe and buttonsuntil the preferred customprogramnumber isdisplayedonthe screenbetweenP01andP10 3 PresstheSETbuttontoconfirmtheprogram numberandtomovetoStep1 Element The screenwilldisplay d1 4 InStep1 ifdesired presstheBREADbutton tochangetheheatingelementfromSingle d1 toDual C1 PresstheCOOKbuttonto reverttosingleheatingelement 5 PresstheMENUbuttontogotoSte...

Page 23: ...ndadjustthe time to20minutes bypressingthe and buttons 5 PresstheMENUbutton thescreenwilldisplay d2 6 PresstheCOOKbuttontochooseonlythe bottomheatingelement thescreenwilldisplay d2 7 PresstheMENUbuttonandadjustthe temperatureto100 Cbypressingthe and buttons 8 PresstheMENUbuttonandadjustthetimeto 30minutes bypressingthe and buttons 9 PresstheMENUbutton thescreenwilldisplay d3 10 PresstheBREADbutton...

Page 24: ...ess time Selecting Rapid will bake a bread loaf to a medium crust colour and reduce the finishing time by about an hour For best results when using the Rapid setting increase the yeast content in the bread recipe by teaspoon 1 Placethebreadpanonadry levelsurface 2 Ifthekneadingbladeisrequired alignthe semi circleonthetopofthekneadingblade totheoneontopofthedriveshaftandslide thebladedowntothebaseo...

Page 25: time as that will return the unit to the default settings The time displayed for delayed start represents the finishing time For example if you adjust the White Bread default time 3 15 to 5 00 the bread will be finished at the end of 5 hours The time can be delayed up to 15 hours 7 Duringbreadbaking iconsforthevarious stageswilldisplayastheyoperateonthe displayscreenincluding Preheating Dough ...

Page 26: ...heSTART CANCELbuttonto commence 6 Tocancelthefunctionatanytimeduring operationorbeforekeepwarmcommences pressandholdtheSTART CANCELbutton NOTE If any of Steps 1 7 are not required for the recipe the time for the step can be set to 0 00 and this function will not operate For example if no PROOFING is required set the Proof time to 0 00 and the step will be skipped The temperature Steps 8 9 must be ...

Page 27: ...layandkeepwarmwill operate for upto 1hourforBAKEonly NOTE Keep Warm is not available on the CAKE function 5 Oncethekeepwarmtimeelapses theunit willbeep4timesandthe COMPLETED iconwilldisplay 6 Tocancelthefunctionatanytimeduring operationorbeforekeepwarmcommences pressandholdtheSTART CANCELbutton DOUGH PASTA DOUGH YOGHURT AND JAM DOUGH PASTA DOUGH FUNCTIONS The DOUGH and PASTA DOUGH functions are id...

Page 28: ...toconfirm Use the and toadjustthetimebetween4 12 hours 3 PresstheSTART CANCELbutton tostartthefunction 4 Whenthetimehaselapsed the unit willbeep4times 5 Tocancelthefunctionatanytime duringoperation pressandholdthe START CANCEL button JAM FUNCTION NOTE The JAM function is ideal for making both sweet and savoury jams from fresh fruits and vegetables When using the JAM function cut fresh fruit and or...

Page 29: ...adingblade beforeslicing NOTE Suitable settings for WHITE BREAD are WHITE and LIGHT MEDIUM DARK colour RECIPES FRENCH BREAD INGREDIENTS 450g 680g 900g Water 195ml 300ml 340ml Oil 5ml 10ml 15ml Salt 1 tsp 1 tsp 2 tsp Sugar 1 tsp 1 tsp 2 tsp Bread Flour 325g 500g 590g Bread Improver tsp tsp 1 tsp Dried yeast tsp 1 tsp 1 tsp Method 1 Placeingredientsintheorderlisted Wipeanyspillsfromoutsideofpan 2 In...

Page 30: ...spills fromoutsideofpan 3 Insertthebreadpan withoutthe kneading blade intoposition inthe bakingchamber andclosethelid 4 PresstheBREADbutton thenpressthe MENUbuttonuntil YOGHURTflashes onthedisplayscreen 5 PresstheSTART CANCELbuttonto commencecycle 6 Aftercyclehascompleted pressthe START CANCELbuttontostopthe keepwarmsetting 7 Refrigeratewhencomplete LMC600_ANZ_IB_D19 indd 30 5 9 19 4 06 pm ...

Page 31: ...00 08 00 4 hours N A BAKING Specifications Type Crust Baking Temperature Size Preheat Total Extras Keep Warm Delay Time White Light 120 C 450g 0M 3 10 2 33 Yes 15 00 680g 3 15 2 28 1 hour 15 00 900g 3 15 2 28 1 hour 15 00 Medium 125 C 450g 3 15 2 38 1 hour 15 00 680g 3 18 2 31 1 hour 15 00 900g 3 20 2 33 1 hour 15 00 Dark 135 C 450g 3 15 2 38 1 hour 15 00 680g 3 18 2 31 1 hour 15 00 900g 3 20 2 33...

Page 32: ...g 3 20 2 38 1 hour 15 00 Medium 120 C 450g 3 15 2 43 1 hour 15 00 680g 3 20 2 38 1 hour 15 00 900g 3 25 2 43 1 hour 15 00 Dark 130 C 450g 3 15 2 43 1 hour 15 00 680g 3 20 2 38 1 hour 15 00 900g 3 25 2 43 1 hour 15 00 Gluten Free No 125 C No 10 minutes 2 35 2 08 1 hour No Rapid No 135 C No 0M 1 55 No No No Cake No 120 C No 0M 1 05 No No No Dough No No No 0M 1 30 1 08 No 15 00 Pasta Dough No No No 0...

Page 33: ...suring scoop included to measure the rice For white and brown rice the cooking time is determined by the cooking sensors The finish time will vary based on the type and amount of rice and water used THE SLOW COOK GUIDE Food Low Medium High Chicken 7 9 hours 5 7 hours 5 7 hours Beef 8 10 hours 6 8 hours 4 5 hours Pork 8 10 hours 6 8 hours 4 5 hours GENERAL SLOW COOKING TIMES Setting Cooking Times L...

Page 34: ...d This is a general guide Do not exceed the maximum recommendation of approximately 400g CAUTION Hot oil may rise up when deep frying Due to the high variability in water content of ingredients always start with a small volume of ingredients in the deep fry basket and closely monitor the change in oil level to ensure the oil does not overflow the cooking bowl Remove the deep fry basket from the co...

Page 35: ...erlid pushthe upperpartoftheinnerliduntiltheclipsclick intoplace Ensureinnerlidisinplacebefore storageoruse Donotwashinadishwasher Care Cleaning Storage Before cleaning ensure the multi cooker is returned to standby mode by pressing and holding the START CANCEL button then switch the multi cooker off at the power outlet Remove the power plug from the power outlet and remove the connector end of th...

Page 36: ...interior of the bread pan Some discolouration may appear on and inside the bread pan over time This is a natural effect caused by moisture and steam and will not affect the bread in any way The inside of the bread pan and kneading blade are coated with a high quality non stick coating As with any non stick coated surface do not use abrasive cleansers metal scouring pads or metal utensils to clean ...

Page 37: ...nd let the unit cool down to room temperature before using again Icon E02 appears on the display screen followed by repeated beeps There is a problem with the circuit Switch the unit off and contact the Breville Customer Service Centre Icon E03 appears on the display screen followed by repeated beeps There is a problem with the circuit Switch the unit off and contact the Breville Customer Service ...

Page 38: ...e C Time 0 4 hours d Bottom element Temp 40 160 C C Dual element Temp 70 160 C Example Spaghetti Bolognese 1 C1 160 C 20 minutes 2 d2 100 C 30 minutes 3 C3 95 C 1 hour 4 C4 90 C 1 hour P01 1 2 3 4 P02 1 2 3 4 P03 1 2 3 4 P04 1 2 3 4 P05 1 2 3 4 LMC600_ANZ_IB_D19 indd 38 5 9 19 4 06 pm ...

Page 39: ... 2 3 4 P08 1 2 3 4 P09 1 2 3 4 P10 1 2 3 4 Custom Program Number Recipe Cooking Stage d or C Temperature C Time 0 4 hours d Bottom element Temp 40 160 C C Dual element Temp 70 160 C LMC600_ANZ_IB_D19 indd 39 5 9 19 4 06 pm ...

Page 40: ... Breville the Breville logo Master Every Moment and the Multi cooker are registered trademarks of Breville Pty Ltd A B N 98 000 092 928 Copyright Breville Pty Ltd 2019 Due to continued product improvement the products illustrated photographed in this booklet may vary slightly from the actual product LMC600 ANZ D19 LMC600_ANZ_IB_D19 indd 40 5 9 19 4 06 pm ...
