operating your Breville Banquet™ Slow Cooker
BefoRe tHe fIRSt uSe
Before first use, remove all promotional labels and
packing materials. Wash the removable crockery
bowl and glass lid in hot, soapy water, rinse and
dry thoroughly. Wipe the inside and outside of the
metal housing with a soft, damp cloth, then dry
Before placing the removable crockery bowl
in the metal housing, ensure the exterior of
the bowl is clean. This will ensure proper
contact with the inner cooking surface. Insert
the removable crockery bowl into the metal
housing, then place the prepared food into the
removable crockery bowl, ensuring denser
foods are spread evenly across the bottom of
the bowl and not heaped to one side. Place
the glass lid into position.
With the Temperature Control Dial turned to
the OFF position, insert the connector end of
the power cord into the appliance inlet, plug
the power cord into a 230/240V power outlet
and switch the power on at the power outlet.
Turn the Temperature Control Dial to the
desired setting, or as recommended in the
recipe section.
When cooking is complete, turn the
Temperature Control Dial to the OFF position,
switch off at the power outlet, remove the
power plug and then the connector end from
the appliance inlet.
Always use the Banquet™ Slow Cooker on a
dry, level surface.
Never operate without food and liquid in the
removable crockery bowl.
Never operate without the removable crockery
bowl positioned in the metal housing.
Always have the glass lid firmly in position on
the removable crockery bowl throughout the
operation of the appliance unless where stated
in a recipe to have it removed.
Always use dry pot holders or oven mitts to
remove the removable crockery bowl when hot.
Do not place the removable crockery bowl
when hot on any hot surface that may be
affected by heat.
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youRSelf to AvoId SCAldINg fRom eSCApINg SteAm.