Main unit channel setting
1. The main unit can be connected with a maximum of up to 3 transmitters.
2. Press the touch control CH/ (12c) to switch between the displays of each
channel. The main unit will display the information of the corresponding
transmitter. When the symbol is displayed near the channel information
the automatic display rotation is activated. The display changes between
the information of the connected remote sensors every 10 seconds.
The function to change the channels by pressing the CH/ button can be
used only if more than one outdoor sensor is connected with the main
unit. Otherwise this function is disabled.
Background illumination
Press LIGHT button (5) to to turn on the background. It will be turned off
automatically after approx. 5 seconds.
Sensor function
1. Move the CH switch (24) to the position (1-3) that corresponds with the
channel which will be used for transmission (select channel 1 if only one
outdoor sensor is connected). If you would like to connect more than one
outdoor sensor with the main unit, different channels need to be selected
for each sensor.
2. Once the weather station receives radio signals from the sensors, the
alternating temperature values of the different channels will be updated on
the weather station every 1-2 minutes.
Signal disconnection
If the display of the outdoor temperature goes blank without obvious reasons,
please check the following:
1. The outdoor sensor is still in place.
2. The batteries of both the sensor and the main unit are not empty.
Replace batteries with new ones if necessary.
When the temperature drops below freezing point, the batteries of the
outdoor sensor can also freeze and their voltage and lifetime are reduced.
3. Both devices are positioned within the reception area and the reception
area is free of sources of interference and obstacles. If necessary, reduce
the distance between the devices.
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04.01.2021 16:38:56