6.2.6 Language
Select the Menu Language:
English, French, German
6.2.7 Date
Set the date. Here, you do not go to a submenu
but the values can be changed directly in the
“Settings” menu (see 6.2). The values to be
changed are highlighted in blue. Use the and
arrow keys (10) for this. Confi rm your entry and
go to the next input fi eld by pressing the “OK” key
(11). When the entry has been completed, you
are taken back to the “Settings” menu. The date
format is MM/DD/YY
6.2.8 Time
Set the time and proceed as described under
“Date” (see 6.2.7). The time format is HH/MM/
SS (24-hour).
6.2.9 Stamp
Set whether the time and date values should
not just be recorded in the image data, but also
displayed in each shot:
6.2.10 Quality
Set the image quality for photographs:
9M, 5M, 3M
(Camera resolution: interpolated 9 MP; effective 5 MP)
6.2.11 Default settings
If the camera is reset to the factory settings using
“OK”, all settings that you have set to date are lost.
Reset the camera to the factory settings:
OK, Cancel
6.3 “Photo” Menu Item
When you select this menu item, the camera will
start in photo mode. Changes to the resolution,
timestamp, multi-shot settings, etc., as set in the
“Settings” menu (see 6.2), are applied. After this
mode has been set, the screen (14) will fade and
the LED (5) will begin to blink. Over time, the LED