Let’s Start!
Lift the microscope from the box using
two hands. Place the microscope on flat,
sturdy surface.
Always be mindful of your mirror and light
source. The more light that is reflected or
transmitted through the hole in the stage,
the brighter and sharper the images will
appear in the microscope eyepiece.
A. Scalpel
B. Needle
C. Stirring Rod
D. Graduated Cylinder
E. Collecting Vials
F. Tweezers
G. Slide Covers and Labels
H. Replacement Light Bulb
I. Prepared/Blank Slides
J. Micro-slicer
K. Petri Dish
L. Fenazo Blue Dye
M. Eosin Red Dye
N. Sea Salt
O. Brine Shrimp Eggs
P. Shrimp Hatchery
Q. Cover Slips (under box of slides)
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