Fig. 6
The stars, planets, etc, are always dif-
ferently positioned in the sky because the
Earth is rotating. That is what it is not always
possible to see all objects. For this reason, it is
important that you always set the correct date
and time before starting a projection with your
30 minutes
01:00 00:00 23:00
Fig. 7
Explanation of the time scale
Only the time span between 8:00 pm and 2:00
am is depicted. During this time, it is possible to
see stars in the sky no matter what the season
(night sky). Each bar on the scale corresponds
to 30 minutes (Fig. 7).
2 days
30 Apr
26 28 2 4
Fig. 8
Explanation of the knob for setting the date
With the date scale of the knob, you can set the
365 days of the year according to the month.
At 30 days per month, each bar on the scale
corresponds to 2 days (Fig. 8). The long lines
always represent the last day of the previous
month; underneath, the respective following
month is always given.
Some examples of correct time and date set-up
Example 1:
You would like to have your Astro-Planetari-
um project the night sky for July 7, 12:00 am
(midnight). Turn the knob for the date set-up (5)
until the bar for “12:00 am” is situated above on
the time scale (6) between the two short bars be-
fore the “10” in the month of July (JUL) (Fig. 9).
20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10
02:00 01:00 00:00 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00
2 4 6 8
Fig. 9
Sky projection with the astro
Press the button for opening the slide drawer
(3). The tray will open by itself (Fig. 2).
Set one of the two slide plates (10)
into the
slide plate holder (11).
Fig. 5
Be careful that the protrusions
on the holder (11) catch on the notches of the
slide plates (10) (Fig. 5).
Now you must enter the time and date for the
night sky that you would like to see with your
Astro-Planetarium (observation time span). To
do this, turn the knob for setting the date (5)
until the desired date appears under the time
on the time scale (6) (Fig. 6).