ein Elektronenfluss statt, wenn sie mit einem Kabel verbunden sind.
Wie jede normale Batterie hat auch diese eine begrenzte Lebenszeit.
An der Kupferelektrode wird Wasserstoff produziert während an
der Zink-Elektrode Oxid-Ablagerungen entstehen, die als Barriere
zwischen dem Metall und der Elektrolytlösung fungieren. Um deine
Batterie wieder zu verwenden, reinige die Metallstreifen mit Sandpapier
und fülle die Behälterkammern erneut mit frischer Flüssigkeit.
What happens in this experiment?
The digital clock needs electricity to work. Electricity is produced
through the flow of tiny particles which are called electrons. The
battery that you have already built ensures for a constant flow of
the elctrons. This is electrical current. What happens in detail? An
chemical reaction takes place on the zinc and copper strips. In
combination with the acid solution a flow of the electrons proceeds
as long as they are connected with the cable. As every normal
battery also this one has a limited lifetime. Hydrogen is produced
at the copper electrode and on the zinc electrode oxide deposits
are formed which function as a barrier between the metal and the
electrolyte solution. To reuse the battery just clean the metal strips
with sand paper and fill the container partitions with new fresh liquid.
Što se događa kod ovog eksperimenta?
Digitalnom satu je potrebna električna energija, kako bi mogao
raditi. Električna energija se generira protokom mikroskopski
sitnih čestica, koje nazivamo elektronima. Baterija, koju ste upravo
sastavili, osigurava da takvi elektroni mogu protjecati. To je dakle
električna struja. Što se točno događa? Dolazi do kemijske reakcije
na trakama od cinka i bakra. U vezi s kiselom otopinom dolazi do
protoka elektrona, kada su povezani kabelom. Kao svaka normalna
baterija i ova ima ograničeni radni vijek. Na bakrenoj elektrodi se
stvara vodik, dok na elektrodi od cinka nastaju oksidne naslage,
koje djeluju kao zapreka između metala i elektrolitske otopine. Da
bi tvoju bateriju ponovo koristio, očisti metalne trake pješčanim
papirom i napuni spremnike ponovo svježom tekućinom.