RX-101 Receiver Operation
When connected to a power source, 1 green LED will light on the Receiver and will stay
lit as long as a good power level is maintained.
If the power supply voltage drops below 10.5V the power LED will flash continuously to
signify a flat battery.
When a receiver relay closes a corresponding green LED will light for the time that the
relay is closed. When the relay opens the same LED will flash rapidly for the duration
that the re-cock timing has been set to, before extinguishing.
TX-101 Transmitter Operation
The TX-101 has no power on switch. When you want to use it simply press the
appropriate button or sequence of buttons. The unit awakens immediately and releases
the target(s).
For optimum performance stand facing toward the Receiver when holding the TX-101,
with the antenna in the vertical position.
Low battery
If a low battery voltage is detected a red LED lights for 10 seconds at the start of each
button sequence.
Manual Operation
When a Transmitter release sequence is pressed, LED(s) corresponding to the sequence
will light. When the sequence has ended the LED(s) will extinguish.
Once a button sequence has been correctly entered, the TX-101 transmits the
information. The time between the button being pressed and the Receiver relay closing
is less than 1/20
If 1 or more button presses of a sequence are made, but the sequence is not completed,
the unit will wait for up to 10 seconds for the sequence to be completed. If the
remainder of the sequence is not entered during that time the unit will reset ready for
the next sequence to be entered.
If an illegal button press is made in a sequence, the unit waits for up to 10 seconds for
the next correct button press and puts it into the sequence already started. Effectively it
ignores the wrong button press.