For «hc» chopper do not exceed the quantity of
ingredients higher than max line. Maximum
operation time for the «hc» chopper: 1 minute for
large amounts of wet ingredients, 30 seconds for
dry or hard ingredients.
NOTE: leave an interval of at least 3 minutes before
operating again (To prevent faults). Immediately
stop processing when motor speed decreases and/
or strong vibrations occur.
Use the «mc» and «bc» chopper (11/12) for larger
quantities and for hard foods.
For «hc» and «mc» chopper do not exceed the
quantity of ingredients higher than max line.
Furthermore, the «bc» chopper offers a variety of
other applications like shakes, drinks, purées,
batter, meat or crushed ice.
Refer to the Processing Guide D for maximum
quantities, recommended times and speeds.
Before Use
Pre-cut foods into small pieces for easier
Remove any bones, tendons and gristle from
meat to help prevent damage to the blades.
Make sure the anti-slip rubber ring (10d/11e/12e)
is attached to the bottom of the chopper bowl.
Assembly and Operation
Carefully remove the plastic cover from the
The blades (10b/11b/11c/12b/12c) are very
sharp! Always hold it by the upper plastic part
and handle it carefully.
Place the blade on the center pin of the chopper
bowl (10c/11d/12d).
Fill the chopper with food and put on the lid
For ice crushing, use the special ice blade
To achieve good results fill up to 5 ice cubes in
«mc» chopper, for «bc» chopper fill up to 7 ice
cubes and chop 10-15 seconds.
Align the chopper with the motor part (4) and
click together.
To operate the chopper, switch on the appliance.
During processing, hold the motor part with one
hand and the chopper bowl with the other.
Always chop harder foods (e.g. parmesan
cheese) at full speed.
When chopping is complete, unplug and press
the EasyClick Plus release buttons (5) to detach
the motor part.
Lift the lid up. Carefully take out the blade before
pouring out the contents of the bowl. To remove
the blade, slightly turn it then pull it off.
Do not use the chopper accessories (10/11/12)
to process extremely hard foods, such as
unshelled nuts, ice cubes, coffee beans, grains,
or hard spices e.g. nutmeg. Processing these
foods could damage the blades.
Only the «mc» and «bc» chopper accessories
(11/12) with the special ice blade are allowed to
crush ice cubes.
If using the appliance to puree hot food ensure
the liquid is not boiling. Allow hot food to cool
slightly to avoid risk of scalding.
Never place the chopper bowls in the microwave
«bc» Recipe Example: Pancake Batter
375 ml milk
250 g plain flour
2 eggs
Pour milk into the «bc» bowl, then add flour and
finally the eggs.
Using full speed, mix the batter until smooth.
«hc» Recipe example: Honey-Prunes (as a pancake
stuffing or spread)
50 g prunes
75 g creamy honey
70 ml water (vanilla-flavour)
Fill the «hc» chopper bowl with prunes and
creamy honey.
Store at 3 °C in refrigerator for 24 hours.
Add 70 ml water (vanilla-flavoured).
Chop 1,5 seconds at maximum speed (fully press
the Smartspeed switch).
Coffee and Spice Grinder
Accessory (E)
The grinder is perfectly suited for grinding any kind
of dry spices or other ingredients, such as pepper,
cloves, chili, coffee or soya beans, rice, poppy
seeds, sugar, dried sardines and shrimps.
For finest results, use the highest speed.
Assembly and Operation
Make sure the anti-slip rubber base (13d) is
attached to the bottom of the bowl.
Always hold the grinder knife (13b) by the upper
plastic part and handle it carefully.
Place the blade on the center pin of the grinder
bowl (13c) and spin it slightly so that it drops
down and locks into place.
Fill the grinder with ingredients and put on the lid
with coupling (13a).
Grind ingredients to the desired consistency.
When grinding is complete, unplug and press the
EasyClick Plus release buttons to detach the
motor part.
Lift the lid up. Take out the blade before pouring
out the contents of the grinder bowl.
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