POF Manager
Figure 1: The relationship between your labeling designer, a POF file and the host system.
Generating a POF File
The structure of a POF file is determined by the configuration file
(POC) that is used to generate it. A general configuration file is
provided with your labeling designer; it can be used as-is or as
the base for a customized configuration file.
Use the following steps to generate a POF file based on the
general POC. An example of a label design and its corresponding
POF file are shown in Figure 2.
1. Design a label using your labeling designer, adding as many
fixed or variable text, bar code and graphic fields as needed.
Test and fine-tune the design by printing to the printer using
your labeling designer.
2. Select
from the
3. A sub-menu will appear; select
as a Printer Object File
4. A list of configuration files will appear; select
5. The
Save as
dialog appears.
6. Assign a name to your file and save it in the folder of your
choice. The file will be saved with the extension “.pof.”